A one day short course for aquafeed processing professionals will be held 5th February 2018 Abu Dhabi, U.A.E
In association with International Aquafeed, Aquaculture without Frontiers CIO, TAMU and VIV, a one day short course for aqua feed processing professionals
A one-day short course for aqua feed processing professionals will be held on February 5, 2018 as part of VIV MEA 2018. The course will cost US$199 and be held at ADNEC, Khaleej Al Arabi Street, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., there are 50 delegate places.
In association with International Aquafeed, Aquaculture without Frontiers CIO, TAMU and VIV, a one day short course for aqua feed processing professionals
A one-day short course for aqua feed processing professionals will be held on February 5, 2018 as part of VIV MEA 2018. The course will cost US$199 and be held at ADNEC, Khaleej Al Arabi Street, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., there are 50 delegate places.
Aquaculture is the fastest developing sector in the world, accounting for nearly 50 percent of the world’s fish supply. Currently 100 percent of floating feed and about 60 percent of sinking feed is made by extrusion technology.
Traditionally, single-screw extruders are widely used for producing the feeds for low protein adult fishes such as tilapia, catfish, grass carp, etc. Basic extrusion technology has been around for a long time. It has been used in one form or another in the food and feed industries. There has been no revolutionary or significant development in extruder design. As the aquaculture sector grows, there is increasing aqua feed demand in the market.
There are hundreds of species of fish, which require a wide range of feeds. Some species need floating feed (catfish, carp), some of them need slow sinking feed (salmon, trout) and some of them need fast sinking feed (shrimp). The quality of the feed has a direct effect on fish reproduction, maturation, growth rate, uniformity of growth, and resistance to stress and diseases, mortality and water quality.
The feed industry experiences constant change to meet the needs of an evolving market. New processing technologies provide this industry the flexibility and efficiently to process a wide spectrum of foods that are trending toward increased complexity. Due to the rising demands of food production and necessary food per person, the consumption of fish increases dramatically.
In this one day course participants will learn about current status of aqua feed globally, principles and introduction to extrusion technology, selection of raw material and their properties for making aqua feed, grinding of raw material for making good quality pellet, extrusion of aqua feed, drying and cooling of aqua feed, optimising aqua feed quality, and latest technology for the ingredients and finished product analysis.
This course is organised by the International aqua feed magazine and Dr Mian Riaz, world leader in extrusion technology from Texas A&M University.
8.00 AM - Registration and Welcome
- Tuti Tan – International Aqua Feed Magazine
8.30 AM - Introduction to Extrusion
- Dr. Mian Riaz, Head Extrusion Technology Program, Texas A&M University, USA
9.30 AM - Current up‐Date on Aqua Feed Globally
- Roger Gilbert Editor International Aqua Feed Magazine
10.00 AM - Coffee Break
10.15 AM - Raw Material Properties for Aqua Feed Extrusion
- Dr. Mian Riaz, Head Extrusion Technology Program, Texas A&M University, USA
11.00 AM - Grinding of Raw Material for the Aqua Feed
- Benjamin Sleiman, CPM Europe B.V.
12.00 PM - Lunch Break
1.30 PM - Optimisation of Aqua Feed Quality
- Nicola Tallarico ‐ Kemin
2.15 PM - Extruded Aqua feed quality management; Relations between technology and extruded aqua feed quality
- Thomas Ellegaard Mohr, ANDRITZ Feed & Biofuel
3.00 PM - Coffee Break
3.15 PM - Drying and Cooling of Aqua Feed
- Josef W Barbi, E.S.E. & INTEC
4.15PM - NIR analyser for ingredient and raw material
- Per Lidén, Perten
5.00 PM - Q&A
The course is taking place as part of VIV MEA 2018, in association with: International Aquafeed, Aquaculture Without Frontiers CIO, TAMU and VIV.
For more information and to register, visit the Aquaculture extrusion short course website, HERE.
Visit the VIV MEA 2018 website, HERE.
The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by Perendale Publishers Ltd
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