Scott Hoyt couldn't believe what was in one of his lobster traps. "Wow, I've never seen anything like this," he said as called his wife Charlene to tell her about the yellow lobster.
Charlene Hoyt is a math teacher at nearby Berwick Academy. The lobster was named "Cal" because someone thought he looked like a calico cat. He was placed in the grammar school touch tank and the kids just loved him.
Charlene started feeling sad for Cal. He spent the entire month of September in the tank with his claws banded.
On the first of October, she did a daring thing. Without telling her husband, she took Cal from the tank and let him go down in Pepperell Cove.
Three days later and Cal was back;right in Scott's lobster trap.
Charlene was shopping when she got the call. "Where's Cal?" asked her husband.
"I knew right away I was busted," laughed Charlene.
Charlene took a stab at computing the odds of a yellow lobster being caught twice by the same fisherman and came up with the number 900 hundred-million to one.
Read more HERE.
Scott Hoyt couldn't believe what was in one of his lobster traps |
Charlene Hoyt is a math teacher at nearby Berwick Academy. The lobster was named "Cal" because someone thought he looked like a calico cat. He was placed in the grammar school touch tank and the kids just loved him.
Charlene started feeling sad for Cal. He spent the entire month of September in the tank with his claws banded.
On the first of October, she did a daring thing. Without telling her husband, she took Cal from the tank and let him go down in Pepperell Cove.
Three days later and Cal was back;right in Scott's lobster trap.
Charlene was shopping when she got the call. "Where's Cal?" asked her husband.
"I knew right away I was busted," laughed Charlene.
Charlene took a stab at computing the odds of a yellow lobster being caught twice by the same fisherman and came up with the number 900 hundred-million to one.
Read more HERE.
The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the
magazine International Aquafeed which is published by Perendale Publishers Ltd
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